This live panel discussion will bring together early career investigators from each of the LARS to discuss priorities, challenges, and opportunities in rheumatology research. The session will highlight collaborative networking, funding, research exchanges, infrastructure development, mentoring and navigating institutional support. Reflecting the overarching Global Summit themes of access to medications and drug discovery, panelists will also discuss the role that investigators in their regions can play in clinical trials network development and expansion, including issues surrounding diversity and equity. Finally, panelists will discuss areas that they identify as key priorities to advance the field of rheumatology research.
ACR Convergence Networking Lounges are physical spaces where clinicians, researchers, educators, and professionals can connect, share ideas, collaborate, and engage in meaningful conversations. The lounges provide an environment conducive to fostering intellectual exchange and building professional relationships within the rheumatology community, as well as encouraging informal interactions through unstructured conversations, enabling the exchange of insights, opinions, and collaboration. Whether you are seeking career advice, mentorship, or looking to hire, the lounge is fertile ground for personal and professional growth.
The lounges will host a variety of networking events based on professional interests. These events enable you to connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network within your specific areas of interest. You can also use the lounges as a sounding board for your ideas or to seek input on your projects. The diverse perspectives present can spark innovation and provide constructive feedback that you might not find within your immediate circle.Learning Objectives: