Session: (2387–2424) Vasculitis – Non-ANCA-Associated & Related Disorders Poster III
2408: The Use of the Southend GCA Probability Score (GCAPS) in Assessing the Risk of Giant Cell Arteritis in Australian Ophthalmological and General Medical Hospital Cohorts
Prince of Wales Hospital Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Disclosure information not submitted.
Eloise Norman1, Clare Fraser2, Mitchell Lawlor3 and Anthony Sammel4, 1Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, Australia, 2Save Sight Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 3Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital, Sydney, Australia, 4The Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Background/Purpose: The rate of positive temporal artery biopsies (TAB) in patients with suspected giant cell arteritis (GCA) varies widely, indicating the need for better pre-test probability evaluation. The Southend Probability Score (GCAPS) has been developed as a GCA risk stratification tool and low scores ( < 10), can exclude the diagnosis without the need for further investigation. It has not been studied in ophthalmology specific hospitals, where patients may present with a higher frequency of ophthalmic symptoms and have a greater risk of vision loss if the diagnosis is missed.
Methods: Medical records of patients who underwent temporal artery biopsy (TAB) between 2010-2020 at the quaternary Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital (SSEH) and 2010-2017 at the tertiary Prince of Wales Hospital (POWH) were reviewed and stratified into low (score < 10), intermediate (score 10-12) and high risk (score ≥13) according to the GCAPS score.
Results: Two hundred and thirty-three patients were assessed: 160 from SSEH and 73 from POWH. All 39 patients classified as low-risk had a negative TAB result (table 1). Amongst low-risk patients, the most reported symptoms were headache (69.2%) and cranial ischemia (38.5%), which included jaw claudication, transient monocular vision disturbance and diplopia. The most frequently noted examination findings were temporal artery abnormalities (15.4%) and isolated relative-afferent pupillary defect (5.1%). None of the low-risk patients had findings consistent with arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.
Conclusion: The GCAPS reliably predicted negative biopsy results in all patients with a low-risk score. This study supports its use as a risk stratification tool in both ophthalmological and general medical settings and help to exclude the diagnosis and need for temporal artery biopsy in patients with GCAPS of less than 10.
E. Norman: None; C. Fraser: None; M. Lawlor: None; A. Sammel: None.