1999: One-year Incidence of Clinical Fragility Fractures After Implementing an Osteoporosis Care Protocol in Patients Eligible for Liver Transplantation
General University Hospital Dr. Balmis-ISABIAL Alicante, Spain
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Cristina Rodríguez-Alvear1, Mª Carmen López-González2, Elisabet Perea-Martínez3, Antonio Avilés-Hernández3, Irene Calabuig-Sais1, Maria-Luisa Peral-Garrido4, Pilar Bernabeu-Gonzálvez3, Agustín Martínez-Sanchís1, Joaquim Esteve-Vives3, PALOMA VELA5, Cayetano Miralles Maciá3, Vega Jovani6 and Mariano Andrés1, 1Dr Balmis Alicante General University Hospital-ISABIAL, Alicante, Spain, 2General University Hospital Dr. Balmis, Alacante, Spain, 3General University Hospital Dr. Balmis, Alicante, Spain, 4Vinalopó University Hospital, Novelda, Spain, 5Rheumatology, Hospital General Universitario Alicante, Alicante, Spain, 6Department of Rheumatology, Hospital General Universitario Dr. Balmis, Alicante, Spain
Background/Purpose: In solid organ transplantation, liver transplants are among those most frequently associated with the development of low bone mass, which occurs in up to 85% of patients. The estimated incidence of fractures in the post-transplant period, especially in the first six months, ranges from 17% to 65%. However, this can drop to as low as 3.5% after establishing a fracture prevention protocol. In 2019, our center developed an action plan for preventing osteoporotic fractures in the post-transplant period. In a previous report, we observed that 77.3% of liver transplant recipients were candidates to start anti-osteoporosis treatment at the baseline evaluation. The aim is to estimate the incidence of clinical fragility fractures in patients included in the pre-liver transplant study one year after the baseline evaluation of their bone health.
Methods: In this prospective cohort study, the incidence of clinical fragility fractures was analyzed one year after a multidisciplinary pre-liver transplant assessment in a tertiary academic center in Spain. The study included patients who underwent an initial study from February 2019 to December 2021, underwent liver transplantation and had complete follow-up at one year. The indication for anti-osteoporotic treatment at baseline was defined as bone densitometry with a T SCORE value of less than −1, vertebral wedging assessed by X-ray, or fragility fracture. During the annual follow-up visits, patients were examined for clinical fragility fracture. This descriptive study shows the cumulative incidence at one year and its 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: Of the 162 patients who underwent the initial evaluation, 79 (48.8%) received a liver transplant and had a full follow-up at one year. Three-quarters of the sample were men, with a mean age of 60 years (standard deviation [SD] 7.5) and a mean body mass index (BMI) of 28.24 kg/m2 (SD 4.35). Most (73.4%) were smokers, and 67% were moderate or heavy drinkers. At baseline, 2.5% (n=2) presented a fragility fracture, and 7.6% (n=6) a vertebral fracture as assessed by X-ray. Half (50.6%, n=40) presented osteopenia, and 21.5% (n=17) osteoporosis. Anti-osteoporosis therapy was indicated in 74.7% (n=59) and administered in 69.7% (n=55), consisting of bisphosphonates (92.7%) or denosumab (7.3%). Of the total liver transplant recipients with follow-up at one year, 4 experienced a clinical fracture (cumulative incidence 5%, 95% CI 1.9-12.3%; Table 1).
Conclusion: After establishing a protocol for preventing fractures in patients who are candidates for liver transplantation, the rate of post-transplant fractures was lower than in the historical series and comparable to another series with pre-transplant care.
Table 1. Characteristics of patients with clinical fragility fractures in the year following liver transplant
C. Rodríguez-Alvear: None; M. López-González: None; E. Perea-Martínez: None; A. Avilés-Hernández: None; I. Calabuig-Sais: None; M. Peral-Garrido: None; P. Bernabeu-Gonzálvez: None; A. Martínez-Sanchís: None; J. Esteve-Vives: None; P. VELA: AbbVie/Abbott, 5, AstraZeneca, 5, Eli Lilly, 5, 6, GlaxoSmithKlein(GSK), 6, Novartis, 5, Pfizer, 5; C. Miralles Maciá: None; V. Jovani: None; M. Andrés: None.