Albert Einstein College of Medicine
White Plains, NY, United States
Tamar Rubinstein is an Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and The Children's Hospital at Montefiore, in the Bronx, New York. Her research interests include studying how psychosocial factors influence disease outcomes in youth with rheumatologic diseases, in particular pediatric SLE. She is a leader of the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) Mental Health Workgroup. Dr. Rubinstein's research has been supported by the Lupus Foundation of American, CARRA and the Arthritis Foundation, and the Rheumatology Research Foundation.
14T111: Integrating Mental Health Conversations and Screening in Pediatric Rheumatology Clinics
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM PT
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose
Symptoms to Screen for and Screening Tools
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
8:20 AM – 8:30 AM PT
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose
Group Breakout, Role Play and Discussion
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
8:40 AM – 9:20 AM PT
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
9:50 AM – 10:00 AM PT
Disclosure(s): No financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose